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WindOW-- Wind Ownership

WindOW-- Wind Ownership

Team info

Bose Sumantraa
Karthik Subramanian Balasubramanian
Ajay Balasubramaniam


The challenge 

Findings from the International Renewable Energy Agency indicate that it is possible to power the world with 100% renewable energy systems by 2045. This transformation will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, generate millions of clean energy jobs, improved health benefits from cleaner air and water & energy independence. However, to do this it is estimated that a cumulative public & private investment of USD 22.3 trillion would be required to enable this transformation. We are solving problems of lack of awareness amongst the general public with socio-economic benefits of renewable energy systems & new investments required to accelerate global renewable energy transition to 100%.

The solution

Crowd-sourced investments can accelerate the energy transition that could aid governments globally. Meager to no idea about the possibility to invest in such a transition is stopping the trend of crowd-sourced investment. To enable awareness amongst communities, we propose to educate them using a gamified environment that mimics the real world of renewable energy. Participants of this game can invest in the virtual world, and these investments made within the game is translated into the real world for funding various green energy projects. Your investments keep growing, but carbon emission keeps falling. Together, let us build a healthier world through this WindOW of opportunities.



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