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Communication in self-driving cars

Communication in self-driving cars

Team info

Lynn Heesterbeek


We are looking for new team members with the following skills

Knowledge on self-driving cars, business perspective, technology perspective (mechanics, electronics)

Contact us

The challenge 

We are moving into a world of self-driving cars. This is a new experience and there is not much trust between users and the car. For this technology to become successful, it is important that trust is created. Furthermore, as everyone in the autonomous car is a passenger, they can engage in non-driving related activities such as reading, watching a movie or working on a laptop. When a car makes a sharp turn, forces push passengers in a certain direction. To not startle the passengers, it is important to keep them informed on what the car is going to do.

The solution

In the back-rest of the car seat, vibrating DC motors are implemented in a certain pattern that create vibrating movements. With these movements, the car communicates what it is going to do, right before it does so (e.g. turning left). This makes passengers aware of what is going to happen and gives them the opportunity to anticipate the movements of the car (e.g. hold your coffee). As passengers know what the car is going to do, they can check themselves if they agree, which can help in creating trust.

